Divine Word Seminary SVD, Tagaytay City

Divine World Seminary is one of the biggest schools of Theology in Southeast Asia. Before it was called The Divine Word Seminary .It is also one of the oldest religious institutions run by word missionaries known as Society of the Divine Word. This Seminary is held in Tagaytay City, Cavite, Philippines. It is famous for the cool climate and for a place of prayer, study and meditation. It is also one of the oldest religious institutions in the city. It is run by the Divine Word Missionaries, more popularly known as the Society of the Divine Word also known as sdv. There are also most recent developments of this school, those are: offering of AB theology government-recognized diploma starting from the school year 2005-2006, the acceptance of lay students and consecrated persons into the theological school, on-going curriculum and facilities upgrade, and contemplation on its possible autonomy from the seminary as a separate entity