Concordia College, Paco, Manila
During the Japanese Occupation the Japanese occupied one half of the school building and made it a storage of war ammunitions, so that in February 1945 Concordia was the target of bombings that resulted into the demolition of the entire building causing many casualties among hundreds of inmates, including the death of several Sisters. After the Liberation, on May 15, 1945, the Jesuits of La Ignaciana and the Philippine Civilian Affairs Unit lead by Capt. Charles Osborne helped Concordia rise from its ruins.
On. September 23, 1998, Concordia College had the privilege and distinction of having been awarded a Centennial Marker by the National Historical Institute to underscore the significant connection of our great national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal with Concordia College, the “illustrious cradle of formation” of his three sisters, Olympia, Saturnina, and Soledad, and two of his women friends, Segunda Katigbak and Leonor Rivera. Hence, a Centennial presentation of TANGING IKAW in prose, music and dance that depicted the candor of Rizal's undying love for Leonor, Concordia's Centenial tribute to Dr. Jose Rizal, the man, the poet, the friend, and lover.
To date, true to the Vision – Mission of the school's founder Doña Margarita Roxas de Ayala continued to Concordia College, through the Daughters of Charity render charible services to the poor and the regular students for their spiritual, cultural and educational growth.
Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion de la Concordia, known as Concordia College, was founded by a generous and a wealthy matron, Doña Margarita Roxas de Ayala. Gifted with a vision to provide a Catholic education for the poor and deserving young girls, she converted her three-and-a-half-hectare villa, the La Concordia Estate in Paco, Manila, into a school.
Attracted by the dedication and devotion of the HIjas de la Caridad, popularly known today as Daughters of Charity, who taught and care for the poor, the generous matron did not hesitate to request for eight Daughters of Charity from Spain. She arranged for the Sister's travel expenses so that they could come over to the Philippines and manage the school.
On May 3, 1868 the first eight Sisters arrived and managed the operation of the school; the school was a free school. Escuela Pia. With a small enrollment of sixty students, the curriculum emphasized religion, good manners, reading and writing, simple arithmetic, culture and arts like sewing, embroidery, cooking, needlecraft and household work. The medium of instructor was Spanish.
With the Daughters of Charity at the helm, Concordia College continue to prosper with an upward enrollment toward the end of the nineteenth century. Among its well known students were Saturnina, Soledad, and Olympia sisters of our National Hero, Jose Rizal and his two loves- Segunda Katigbak and Leonor Rivera- the letter immortalized in his novelas as Maria Clara