Christ the King Parish - Greenmeadows, Quezon City
This direct electric organ was constructed by Diego Cera Organ Builders as
representatives of Wicks Pipe Organ Company, Highland, Illinois USA, in
Pedal |
Resultant 32' |
Principal 16' |
Subbass 16' |
Lieblich Gedeckt 16' |
Octave 8' |
Rohrflute 8' (SW) |
Choralbass 4' (GT) |
Rohrflute 4' (SW) |
Bombarde 16' |
Trompette 8' (SW) |
Clairon 4' (SW) |
I Great |
Principal 8' |
Holzgedeckt 8' |
Octave 4' |
Gedeckt 4' |
Superoctave 2' |
Fourniture 3r |
Trompette 8' (SW) |
II Swell |
Rohrflute 8' |
Viola 8' |
Viola Celeste 8' |
Principal 4' |
Harmonic Flute 4' |
Nazard 2 2/3' |
Octavin 2' |
Terz TC 1 3/5' |
Trompette 8' |
Clairon 4' |
Tremulant |